Real Estate One-Ortonville
Gary Hintz, Real Estate One-OrtonvillePhone: (248) 535-6184
Email: [email protected]

Understanding & preventing damage from power surges at home

by Gary Hintz 06/02/2024

Image text: Home safety guide power surges at home

A power surge in house electrical systems can cause damage both to your home and electronic devices. While power surges are not always possible to prevent, there are plenty of ways to limit the chance of damage in your home.

To help you learn more about power surges and your electrical system, here are some of the basics:

How do power surges cause damage?

Power surges happen when there is a sudden interruption and spike in electricity flowing to your home's electrical system. This can happen for a number of reasons, including lighting strikes and faulty power lines.

A power surge can cause damage by overloading the circuit breakers in your home. It can also damage electrical appliances plugged into the wall outlets. In some cases, a power surge can even cause sparks or fire. Power surge damage can be expensive to fix, as an electrical overload can affect multiple devices at once.

How to prevent power surges

A good method to safeguard your equipment is to unplug it when not in use. Many electrical devices have built-in surge protectors to mitigate the effects of a sudden burst of power. For everything else, you can use a power strip or wall outlet surge protector for extra safety.

Infographic: Power surges at home

You can also prevent damage from power surges by ensuring your home's electrical wiring is up to spec. Faulty wiring in the home poses a major risk, even without voltage spikes from an electrical surge. If you think you might have electrical issues in your home, consult a licensed electrician for advice and a professional safety inspection.

About the Author

Gary Hintz

Rebuilding the Economy One Home Sale at a Time  

Gary has been in the Real Estate Business since 2005 and can be considered a seasoned Realtor.  He has seen the down periods in the economy and the upward trends that we are experiencing recently.  Through it all there has always been one unchanging need in our society: families want to purchase homes.  And when they are ready to buy they need assistance to search through today's over-saturation of information released by our industry.  In order to find that perfect home it can become a journey that requires perseverance and patience.  And a seasoned Realtor can be the guide to assure a successful transaction from start to finish.