Real Estate One-Ortonville
Gary Hintz, Real Estate One-OrtonvillePhone: (248) 535-6184
Email: [email protected]

Household Budget Tips: Where to Begin

by Gary Hintz 10/02/2022

The financial aspects of buying a home don't end with the purchase. Home ownership comes with its own ongoing fees and future expenses you'll need to prepare for. The best way to do so is to establish a balanced household budget. Here are some tips for how to get started:

Set Your Goals

Once you have a clear idea of what's important to you, managing your household budget won't seem as daunting. The best place to begin is by identifying and setting some financial goals. These can be short-term goals like purchasing a new appliance or long-term goals like a large renovation project. Make a list of the most important goals for your household so you have a clear idea of how to manage your finances accordingly.

Identify Income & Expenses

Once you've established your financial goals, it's time to consider the actual numbers. The key to budgeting is to know how much money you have coming in and where it's going. Tracking income is typically as simple as consulting pay stubs or deposit statements. You can also include other income like tax benefits and commissions.

Then, identify what you spend your money on. Try making a list with various categories to separate annual, monthly and everyday expenses. In addition to things like groceries, utility bills and transportation costs, make sure to include things like credit card payments, entertainment subscriptions and savings.

Once you have both numbers as a starting point, try tracking your spending for a few months. You can do this in a variety of ways including collecting receipts or using online budget apps. The more you know about your financial situation, the more control you'll have.

Prepare for the Future

In building a household budget, it's crucial to include seasonal expenses. Even if there are parts of the year where you spend more in any category, plan for these expenses in your regular budget. Examples of seasonal expenses include holiday gifts, summer childcare, travel and weather-related utilities.

While these are only a few basic tips for household budgeting, they should get you started. The more practice you have tracking and managing your expenses, the easier it will become.

About the Author

Gary Hintz

Rebuilding the Economy One Home Sale at a Time  

Gary has been in the Real Estate Business since 2005 and can be considered a seasoned Realtor.  He has seen the down periods in the economy and the upward trends that we are experiencing recently.  Through it all there has always been one unchanging need in our society: families want to purchase homes.  And when they are ready to buy they need assistance to search through today's over-saturation of information released by our industry.  In order to find that perfect home it can become a journey that requires perseverance and patience.  And a seasoned Realtor can be the guide to assure a successful transaction from start to finish.