Real Estate One-Ortonville
Gary Hintz, Real Estate One-OrtonvillePhone: (248) 535-6184
Email: [email protected]

Looking to Sell Your Home? Finish These Home Improvement Projects First

by Gary Hintz 11/14/2021

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko from Pexels

Initially, it may seem like backwards logic to complete a few home improvement projects before selling your home. Most people want to renovate their home in order to enjoy it for themselves. However, there are several low-cost projects that you may want to consider before your listing your home, as these improvements could help increase the value and appeal of your property.

These are a few home improvement projects that you should complete before you put your home on the market:

Upgrade the Landscaping

When a buyer drives up to your home before their showing, your front yard is the first thing they will see. First impressions are critical when your home is on the market so upgrading your landscaping is important. A few things that you can do to your landscaping before your list your home are:

  • Remove all weeds from the landscaping.
  • Purchase fresh flowers and plants to decorate the yard.
  • Add new landscaping trim to complete the look.
  • Refresh the mulch or rock beds in your yard.

Add a Fresh Coat of Paint

When you are living in your home, you have the freedom to paint your walls any color that you choose. While you may love a banana yellow kitchen or a deep red bedroom, it's possible that prospective home buyers may be turned off by the colors you have selected. Before you list your home, buy a few cans of paint and give each room a fresh look. Neutral colors are ideal when you are listing your home, as this allows buyers to envision their own ideas for the house.

Replace Old or Worn Carpet

Worn down carpet can be a detraction to home buyers who are interested in your home and they may see it as an expense that they don't want to take on immediately after purchasing a new property. Prior to listing your home you should replace your old carpet or invest in wood floors for your home. Fresh flooring will give your home new life and will increase interest in your home.

Refresh the Bathroom or Kitchen

Many people who are in the market for a new home are looking for properties that have valuable updates such as new bathrooms or kitchens. These can be costly remodel projects, but if you are hoping to put your home on the market you can do an affordable refresh to make your home more presentable. You can consider:

  • Painting the room a light color to make it look larger.
  • Painting or staining the cabinets to achieve a more modern look.
  • Replacing mirrors, lights and hardware to coordinate with the rest of your home.
  • Investing in affordable new appliances, if necessary.

While you may have to front some of the costs initially in order to complete these home improvement projects before your house goes on the market, you will reap the rewards once your house sells. Most of these home improvement projects will increase the value of your home and you may be able to list it for a higher price than you would have if you had not completed the work in advance.

About the Author

Gary Hintz

Rebuilding the Economy One Home Sale at a Time  

Gary has been in the Real Estate Business since 2005 and can be considered a seasoned Realtor.  He has seen the down periods in the economy and the upward trends that we are experiencing recently.  Through it all there has always been one unchanging need in our society: families want to purchase homes.  And when they are ready to buy they need assistance to search through today's over-saturation of information released by our industry.  In order to find that perfect home it can become a journey that requires perseverance and patience.  And a seasoned Realtor can be the guide to assure a successful transaction from start to finish.