Real Estate One-Ortonville
Gary Hintz, Real Estate One-OrtonvillePhone: (248) 535-6184
Email: [email protected]

Tag: DIY

Posted on 08/29/2021
How to Use Reclaimed Wood for Rustic Wall Masterpieces
Wood seemingly past its prime is being reclaimed to create awe-inspiring walls and other interior design elements. Part of the reclaimed popularity revolves around the language we use to describe it. Although tidying up lumber and using it for a second purpose is nothing new, it became trendy under monikers such as vintage, upcycled and refurbished. These days,...
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Posted on 07/11/2021
Not So Old Fashioned: Cross-Stitching for Modern Times
Image by tookapic from Pixabay When you think of cross-stitching, you may imagine someone from centuries ago intently focused on their needlework. However, the traditional art of needlework and embroidery is still trendy today. Now may be the best time for you to consider taking up cross-stitch as your next hobby. Is Cross-Stitch Making a Comeback? In recent...
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Posted on 07/04/2021
How to Make Planters From a Wine Barrel
If you’re looking for a satisfying garden DIY project, try repurposing an old wine barrel. Wine barrels are made of sturdy materials and built to last even long after their original purpose has ended. This makes them excellent candidates for outdoor planters. Here we’ll go over the process and materials you’ll need to make your very own DIY...
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Posted on 06/13/2021
Easy Front Yard Upgrades on a Budget
Improving your front yard doesn’t have to cost a fortune. In fact, there are many inexpensive changes you can make that will completely transform the look and feel of the outdoor space. If you’re willing to do the work yourself you can DIY most projects to save even more money on labor costs. Here are some of the...
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Posted on 04/25/2021
Add a Touch of Nostalgia by Using Vintage Tinware as Planters
Photo by Sabine van Erp via Pixabay There's a certain nostalgia associated with genuine vintage tins -- not the replicas you find at today's one-dollar stores. Genuine vintage tins had real purpose, usually multiple ones, in fact. They did double duty as tubs to wash both children and laundry. Or, sometimes, they held both lunch food and school...
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Posted on 08/23/2020
Lighting Up Your Outdoor Living Space
Photo by Ben Thijssen via Pixabay If you're like many modern homeowners, your ideal of an ideal outdoor living space is one that serves as a personal oasis. Perhaps you've cultivated a thriving culinary herb garden complete with classically inspired statuary or maybe you've carved out a serene space in the middle of a flowering thicket. Whatever type...
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